small island

Want to discover what the smallest island is in the world?

Islands are land masses surrounded by water, varying in size from small atolls to expansive landmasses like Australia. They are distinguished by their isolation and often unique ecosystems.

Islands play a crucial role in biodiversity conservation, harboring diverse flora and fauna found nowhere else.

Additionally, they serve as centers of cultural heritage, preserving distinct traditions and lifestyles shaped by their isolation.

In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of the smallest islands across the globe.

From remote atolls to tiny islets, we explore the criteria that define these small landforms and their significance in ecological and geographical contexts.

Join us as we journey through some of the world’s tiniest yet captivating islands, uncovering their unique features and contributions to our planet’s diversity.

What Defines Small Islands?

The classification of islands into small, medium, and large categories is primarily based on their land area and perimeter.

While there’s no universally agreed-upon threshold, small islands typically have limited land area and are surrounded by bodies of water.

Various geographic and administrative bodies may have specific criteria for defining small islands, often considering factors like landmass, population, and economic activity.

Size is a critical determinant of the ecological and geographical dynamics of islands.

Small islands tend to have distinct ecosystems characterized by limited biodiversity and fragile habitats.

They often face heightened vulnerability to environmental changes, including rising sea levels and habitat loss.

Despite their size, small islands contribute significantly to global biodiversity and serve as important benchmarks for studying evolutionary processes and ecological adaptations.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the 12 smallest islands around the world:

1. Just Room Enough Island, United States

Just Room Enough Island

Just Room Enough Island is a captivating example of a small island located in the Thousand Islands archipelago of the Saint Lawrence River, straddling the border between the United States and Canada.

This tiny island, also known as Hub Island, is renowned for its unique feature—it is the smallest inhabited island in the world.

With an area of just 3,300 square feet (310 square meters), Just Room Enough Island is barely large enough to accommodate a single house and a few trees.

Its diminutive size attracts visitors from around the globe who marvel at its quaint charm and picturesque surroundings.

Despite its small stature, Just Room Enough Island serves as a testament to the allure of remote and secluded destinations, offering a glimpse into the beauty of nature in its purest form.

2. Simping Island, Indonesia

Simping Island indonesia

Simping Island, situated in the enchanting archipelago of Indonesia, is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty and pristine landscapes.

Located off the coast of West Papua province, Simping Island boasts azure waters, lush tropical vegetation, and stunning coral reefs teeming with marine life.

With a land area of approximately 3 hectares, Simping Island captivates visitors with its secluded beaches and serene ambiance.

The island offers excellent opportunities for snorkeling, diving, and exploring its rich biodiversity, including colorful coral formations and exotic fish species.

Simping Island stands as a testament to Indonesia’s rich natural heritage and serves as a haven for nature enthusiasts seeking tranquility amidst unspoiled surroundings.

3. Dangar Island, Australia

Dangar Island, Australia

Dangar Island, nestled in the Hawkesbury River of New South Wales, Australia, offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life.

With an area of approximately 29 hectares, Dangar Island is renowned for its lush vegetation, tranquil beaches, and laid-back atmosphere.

Accessible only by water, the island boasts a rich history dating back to the indigenous inhabitants of the region.

Today, Dangar Island is home to a small community of residents who enjoy a peaceful lifestyle amidst picturesque surroundings.

Visitors to Dangar Island can explore its scenic walking trails, enjoy picnics by the riverbank, and admire panoramic views of the surrounding waterways.

With its charming village atmosphere and pristine natural beauty, Dangar Island offers a delightful retreat for travelers seeking relaxation and rejuvenation.

4. Little St. Simons Island, Georgia

Little St. Simons Island, Georgia

Little St. Simons Island, nestled along the coast of Georgia, USA, is a pristine barrier island renowned for its unspoiled natural beauty and abundant wildlife.

Covering an area of approximately 11,000 acres, Little St. Simons Island offers a secluded retreat amidst lush maritime forests, tidal creeks, and expansive marshlands.

Accessible only by boat, the island is home to a diverse array of ecosystems, including pristine beaches, salt marshes, and maritime hammocks.

Visitors to Little St. Simons Island can explore its scenic trails, observe migratory birds, and encounter native wildlife such as deer, alligators, and loggerhead sea turtles.

With its emphasis on conservation and eco-tourism, Little St. Simons Island provides a tranquil sanctuary for nature enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers alike, showcasing the beauty and biodiversity of Georgia’s coastal ecosystems.

5. Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands

Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands

Sea Lion Island, situated in the remote Falkland Islands, is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

Covering an area of approximately 9.6 square kilometers, this rugged island boasts dramatic coastal cliffs, pristine beaches, and expansive grasslands.

True to its name, Sea Lion Island is home to a thriving population of southern sea lions, as well as other marine mammals such as elephant seals and fur seals.

The island also serves as a vital breeding ground for numerous seabird species, including penguins, albatrosses, and cormorants.

Visitors to Sea Lion Island can witness spectacular wildlife encounters, explore its diverse landscapes, and immerse themselves in the raw beauty of one of the Falkland Islands’ most remote and unspoiled destinations.

6. Monhegan Island, Maine

Monhegan Island, Maine

Monhegan Island, nestled off the coast of Maine in the United States, is a picturesque island renowned for its rugged cliffs, scenic trails, and artistic heritage.

Covering an area of approximately 1.7 square miles, Monhegan Island has captivated artists, writers, and nature enthusiasts for generations with its pristine landscapes and tranquil ambiance.

Accessible only by boat, the island boasts panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean, pristine beaches, and dramatic coastal scenery.

Monhegan Island is also known for its rich artistic history, having served as a muse for renowned painters such as Winslow Homer and Rockwell Kent.

Visitors to Monhegan Island can explore its charming village, hike its scenic trails, and immerse themselves in the island’s creative atmosphere, making it a beloved destination for those seeking inspiration and natural beauty.

7. Benguerra Island, Mozambique

Benguerra Island, Mozambique

Benguerra Island, nestled in the idyllic Bazaruto Archipelago of Mozambique, is a tropical paradise renowned for its pristine beaches, azure waters, and vibrant marine life.

Covering an area of approximately 55 square kilometers, Benguerra Island offers a tranquil retreat amidst lush coastal forests and swaying palm trees.

Accessible by boat or light aircraft, the island is a haven for snorkelers, divers, and nature enthusiasts seeking to explore its rich underwater ecosystems.

Benguerra Island is home to diverse marine species, including colorful coral reefs, tropical fish, and endangered dugongs.

Visitors to Benguerra Island can indulge in a range of activities, from snorkeling and diving to sunset cruises and beach picnics.

With its unspoiled natural beauty and warm hospitality, Benguerra Island promises an unforgettable island getaway in the heart of the Indian Ocean.

8. South Bass Island, Ohio

Miller Ferry Trip From Middle Bass Island To Port Clinton

South Bass Island, situated in Lake Erie, Ohio, is a popular tourist destination known for its scenic beauty, outdoor recreational activities, and vibrant island culture.

Covering an area of approximately 3.7 square miles, South Bass Island offers a charming blend of natural landscapes and bustling tourist attractions.

Accessible by ferry from the mainland, the island is famous for its historic Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial, commemorating the Battle of Lake Erie during the War of 1812.

Visitors to South Bass Island can explore its quaint village of Put-in-Bay, renowned for its lively waterfront restaurants, bars, and shops.

The island also offers opportunities for boating, fishing, kayaking, and hiking, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in its scenic beauty and laid-back atmosphere.

With its picturesque vistas and recreational opportunities, South Bass Island provides a perfect retreat for families, outdoor enthusiasts, and history buffs alike.

9. Isla Mujeres, Mexico

Isla Mujeres, Mexico

Isla Mujeres, located off the coast of Cancun in Mexico’s Caribbean Sea, is a picturesque island renowned for its stunning beaches, vibrant marine life, and rich cultural heritage.

Covering an area of approximately 4.3 square miles, Isla Mujeres offers a tranquil escape from the bustling mainland, with pristine white sand beaches and crystal-clear turquoise waters.

Accessible by ferry, the island is steeped in history, with archaeological sites dating back to the Mayan civilization.

Isla Mujeres is also famous for its underwater sculpture museum, featuring a collection of over 500 life-size sculptures submerged in the surrounding waters, serving as artificial reefs and marine habitats.

Visitors to Isla Mujeres can indulge in a variety of water sports, including snorkeling, scuba diving, and swimming with whale sharks.

With its laid-back atmosphere, colorful streets, and rich cultural offerings, Isla Mujeres captivates visitors with its natural beauty and charm.

10. Fox Island, Alaska

Fox Island, Alaska

Fox Island, nestled in Resurrection Bay off the coast of Seward, Alaska, is a pristine wilderness destination renowned for its rugged beauty and abundant wildlife.

Covering an area of approximately 3 square miles, Fox Island offers a secluded retreat amidst towering mountains, dense forests, and dramatic coastline.

Accessible only by boat, the island is a popular destination for wilderness enthusiasts, kayakers, and nature photographers seeking to explore its unspoiled landscapes and observe native wildlife such as sea otters, seals, and bald eagles.

Visitors to Fox Island can embark on guided nature hikes, kayak expeditions, and wildlife cruises, immersing themselves in the breathtaking scenery and tranquility of one of Alaska’s most remote and untouched islands.

With its pristine wilderness and unparalleled natural beauty, Fox Island offers an unforgettable Alaskan experience for adventurers and nature lovers alike.

11. Suwarrow Atoll

Suwarrow Atoll

Suwarrow Atoll, also known as Suvorov Atoll, is a remote and pristine coral atoll located in the northern group of the Cook Islands in the South Pacific Ocean.

Covering an area of approximately 0.34 square kilometers, Suwarrow is one of the smallest atolls in the Cook Islands chain.

It consists of about 20 islets surrounding a central lagoon, with the only inhabited islet being Anchorage Island.

Suwarrow is a designated national park and is uninhabited for most of the year, except for a few caretakers who oversee the atoll.

It is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, crystal-clear waters, and abundant marine life.

Suwarrow Atoll offers excellent opportunities for snorkeling, diving, and birdwatching, with pristine coral reefs and numerous seabird colonies.

Its remote location and untouched landscapes make it a paradise for nature lovers and adventurers seeking to experience the unspoiled beauty of the South Pacific.

12. Saba, Netherlands Antilles

Saba, Netherlands Antilles

Saba, often referred to as the “Unspoiled Queen” of the Caribbean, is a charming island municipality in the Dutch Caribbean, part of the Netherlands Antilles.

Covering an area of approximately 13 square kilometers, Saba is one of the smallest inhabited islands in the Caribbean region.

Despite its small size, Saba boasts stunning natural landscapes characterized by lush rainforests, towering volcanic peaks, and pristine coral reefs.

The island is home to the highest point in the Netherlands Kingdom, Mount Scenery, which offers breathtaking panoramic views from its summit.

Saba is renowned for its eco-tourism initiatives, with well-maintained hiking trails, world-class diving sites, and diverse marine life.

Visitors to Saba can explore its charming villages, visit historical sites such as Fort Bay and the Saba Museum, and immerse themselves in the warm hospitality of the local community.

With its unspoiled beauty and laid-back ambiance, Saba offers a unique Caribbean experience for travelers seeking tranquility and adventure.


Throughout this exploration of the smallest islands around the world, we have witnessed the incredible diversity and significance of these unique landforms.

From secluded atolls to picturesque atolls, small islands play a crucial role in global biodiversity, cultural heritage, and ecological balance.

As we reflect on the beauty and charm of small islands, we are inspired to encourage travelers and adventurers to explore and appreciate their unique characteristics.

Each small island offers its own blend of natural wonders, cultural traditions, and unforgettable experiences waiting to be discovered.

In our journey to explore the smallest islands, it is essential to recognize the importance of conservation and sustainability efforts.

Small islands face numerous challenges, including climate change, habitat loss, and over-tourism, which threaten their fragile ecosystems and indigenous communities.

By promoting responsible travel practices, supporting local conservation initiatives, and advocating for sustainable development, we can ensure that these precious island paradises endure for generations to come.

island palm trees

FAQ’s About World’s Smallest Islands:

What are the 10 smallest islands in the world?

The 10 smallest islands in the world vary in size, but some of the smallest include Just Room Enough Island (USA), Bishop Rock (UK), Rockall (UK), Surtsey (Iceland), and Adam’s Island (New Zealand).

Which island is the smallest?

The smallest island in the world is likely to be Just Room Enough Island, located in the Thousand Islands archipelago of the Saint Lawrence River, on the border between the United States and Canada.

What is the smallest island you can live on?

Just Room Enough Island is one of the smallest islands where people live. It has enough space for just one house and a few trees.

What is the smallest official island in the world?

The smallest officially recognized island in the world is likely to be Just Room Enough Island, which is officially recognized as part of the Thousand Islands archipelago.

What island has no population?

There are numerous islands around the world with no permanent population, including many remote atolls, uninhabited islets, and wildlife reserves.

Is there a minimum size for an island?

There is no universal minimum size for an island.

However, islands are generally defined as landmasses surrounded by water and may vary in size from small islets to large continents.

Who owns Just Room Enough Island?

Just Room Enough Island is situated within the Thousand Islands archipelago, which is located on the border between the United States and Canada.

Ownership of islands within the archipelago can vary and is subject to jurisdictional agreements between the two countries.

What is the smallest island near Australia?

One of the smallest islands near Australia is Dangar Island, located in the Hawkesbury River of New South Wales.

It is a picturesque and tranquil island retreat known for its lush vegetation and laid-back atmosphere.

What country has 13,000 islands?

Indonesia is the country with approximately 13,000 islands. These islands make up the world’s largest archipelago and include diverse landscapes, cultures, and ecosystems.

smallest island

(Island Expert)

Christian is a dynamic serial entrepreneur and a licensed real estate agent with a relentless passion for unlocking the potential of island real estate. Christian's expertise extends beyond entrepreneurship and property transactions. He possesses a profound expertise in crafting captivating content and persuasive copywriting tailored exclusively to the enchanting realm of island real estate.

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